What is blog?Who is Blogger and blogging
A blog is a regular updated website or web page, and can either be used for personal use or to fulfill a business need. A blogger is someone who runs and controls a blog. He or she shares his or her opinion and knowledge on different types for a target audiences. Blogging is the act of writing a post for a blog. Blogging is all about passion, when you are passionate about something, you want to share it with the world. Whether it’s a passion for anything like teaching, business, photography or marketing, blogging is an excellent way to share that passion. When you blog about something you are passionate about, it opens the door to connecting with those around the world who speak your language and have the same passions. Importance of blog : A blog is the best way to connect with your audience/clients/customers. It gives you the perfect platform to not only showcase your work but also allows your audience to know more about y...