
Showing posts with the label business

20 years of India vs China

India-China Relationship : India and China had historically peaceful relationship for thousands of years of recorded history. Both countries have a bilateral relationship, cultural and economic relations between China and India date back to ancient times. India and China have characterized by border disputes, they have three military conflicts, the Sino-Indian war of 1962, and the border clashes in Sikkim in 1967 and sumdorong chu standoff in 1987. The late 1980's both countries rebuild diplomatic and economic ties successfully. In 2008, china become India's largest trading partner, both the countries have extended their military relations. India vs china by economy :   China and India are the two emerging economies in the world. The economic growth of the countries are measured by GDP. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, it is most commonly used to estimate the economical growth of the countries. Both India and China was almost equal in 1987, GDP. In 2019 china is 2nd and I...

Rhino Creative Agency has shown a splendid growth of 600% in Q1, 2022 compared to Q1 in 2021

This quarterly review aims to highlight the growth metrics, action plans and employee benefits projections. ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE 1 ST QUARTER Rhino Creative Agency started this Quarter with a steadfast vision aimed at extending its services globally and signed multiple projects across the countries of Malaysia, Singapore, France, Qatar, and Germany. With a step even higher, the team has secured digital marketing projects from the Govt. of India and Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Our strong marketing team's expertise and pre-determined objectives have achieved a greater milestone in Q1. EMPLOYEE WELFARE Rhino places prime importance on the welfare of our employees. As the growth percentage has increased to an appreciable extent, a hike of 50% has been initiated nearly for all our employees. Furthermore, the situation of Covid has made it imperative to provide secure healthcare policies to our employees. Therefore, 24/7 healthcare assistance is initiated to facilitate the needs of all ou...